Thinking back on my creative life it all really always started as a spark in a book. I have collected so many sketchbook journals over the years and plan on posting more snippets from past ones. Looking back gives me greater insight to what it is I am doing and what it is I have done.
Opening the Art’Chives
Years of collecting my creative energy on paper kept neatly stashed away For a rainy day dive into my minds eye. The Angie Journals opens up pathways to explore the realms of my art life ...making connections seeing the aha moments of invention. Tracing my visual past to help form my future.
A Dream Awoken...
I have always let myself get lost in order to be found.
Some of the key ingredients in my creative process. Allowing myself to hibernate explore and just be helped form my visual language.
My Personal History
#TheAngieJournals is a huge part of my creative process for well over 25 years! Look out for more posts where I share a peek into my creative process and open up my old journals!